References on the Multimedia language laboratory PF.

There are stated references to the Multimedia language laboratory PF for definite figures of elementary school, middle school, high school and university levels as well.
The Multimedia language laboratory PF supply already for a few years.

Conforming to requirements of schools has been the language laboratory being controlled by the teacher's computer diffuse of the student monitors.

Students may follow images from  the internet, computer programs  or multimedia CD or DVD programs.
Audio signal is heard in headphones with microphone, so like usual language laboratory.

Secondary school

High school


  • Vysoká škola ekonomická, Praha
  • Universita Palackého, Právnická fakulta,  Olomouc
  • Západočeská universita, Pedagogická fakulta,  Plzeň
  • Univerzita Karlova, Pedagogická fakulta, Praha


